About Us
With over twenty years experience in the valve sector, we are pleased to welcome you to our new website. Here you will find a full range of products from sub-miniature valves to high power industrial valves and sockets.
Specialising in the audio market, we can supply sought-after antique models
Along with new-manufacture types, from Russia and China, supported by a technical and after sales service.
If you don’t see the product you need, please enquire, as we can source quickly from our colleagues in the industry at highly competitive prices.
Kef Tesfaye Proprietor
Greg Smith Marketing
Hilary Smith Tesfaye Secretary
D.Tesfaye Despatch
We look forward to supplying you.
This was last updated on March 22, 2014
Valvetubes.com would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the following private individuals, companies and organization whose invaluable contributions, advice and support were instrumental for the setting up of this website.
Those are:
Simon Rafferty www.response-it.co.uk
Andy Southan www.bigponddesign.co.uk
Chris Baker www.cbwebsitedesign.co.uk
The National Valve Museum www.r-type.org
Paris Weals
Andy Steward
John Leonard aka Leopard
Robert Stephens
Peter Stone C.Eng; MIET
This was last updated on March 22, 2014